Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Beginning of the Beginning?

Blogging; I'm of course reminded of the ever popular and generally correct demotivators of In this case, Blogging: Never Before Have So Many People With So Little To Say Said So Much To So Few. With that truism firmly established I welcome the greater intertubes to my blog. Here I'll post my mutterings and ramblings of topics I happen to care about and you're welcome to read it to kill those few minutes at work you're trying to pass until quitting time. You're also welcome to comment if you feel so inclined and need to kill yet another few minutes until quitting time.

For those you care to read further my typical ramblings will cover a variety of topics in my life I care to talk about which may include, but not limited too: Parenting, Kids, Marriage, Video Games (both mine and their's), wargaming, roleplaying games, movies, comics, humor, weather, rocks, stupid people and politics (note how I listed those last two together).

Today I find myself a bit bushed. My kids have decided that there is time enough to sleep in the grave. Why they think that having never watched Conan confounds me, but it seems to be the case. My wonderful wife as usually takes it upon herself to get up in the night with the kids since I tend to sleep like the dead. Hrmm, grave, dead... I swear I'm not worrying about mortality at the moment. When my wife is up my sleep cycle is disturbed and I find myself tired the following day (wuss). Tonight however, I have been told I will be up with the children if they don't sleep. So that means its time to plot how best to secure a night of blissful rest. Plan 1: Whiskey. Sadly I doubt I could get my kids to drink it and I think getting my children stone drunk might be grounds for divorce and a visit from CPS (Child Protection Services). So that plan is off the table. Plan 2: Tranquilizer darts. Sadly I can't seem to get my hands on these and a tranq gun without arosing suspicion so that plan is out too. Plan 3: Keep them up late. This plan has been attempted in the past and has always backfired. I think it might be safe to say whoever sold me on the idea that keeping my kids up would get them to sleep longer told me a terrible lie. So where does that leave me? Back at Plan 1, except I think I'll drink the whiskey. Perhaps it'll make the night seem more pleasant when I'm up with my son for the 4th time.

I should probably consider going to bed earlier, but my continuing obsession with Dragon Age on my 360 has me firmly engrossed still. One, could ask what is so special about it and to that I would reply, until you have played through a BioWare RPG you have no right to ask. What I am learning in this playthrough however is that I prefer playing warriors overall. Must be some deep seated desire to be like Conan the Barbarian. That isn't so bad I think, "Conan, what is best in life?" "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And listen to the lamentation of their women."

Sitting on my work desk at the moment is my Hellcannon.

It is mocking me as we speak. Look at the picture, it even looks like its laughing at me. The file sits next to it as well, also mocking me. I was warned and I didn't listen, this kit is a horrid thing to assemble. It doesn't help that mine came horribly mis-molded missing some 2mm or so of pewter on the bottom assembly. So while my new cannon is enroute, firmly mired in the Snowpocalypse in the Midwest, I decided to try and put this one together anyways and test out my modeling repair skills. So far... its Hellcannon 1, VB 0.

Despite my Hellcannon continuing to mock me, I'm very excited for my next Warstore order. I purchased some of that Quickshade stuff from Army Painter. I'm sure someone has just started screaming about dipping and the terrible sin I am about to commit, but I already bought an iPhone so how much further to the Dark Side can I go. Fact is, painting and I just don't jive well. I'm told my few painted models look pretty good and I am proud of them despite being far from painting competition level. But, I spend so much time working on them the practicalities of painting an entire army are pretty much zero. So my solution, I'm going to try this QuickShade stuff and see if that can't help me get a painted force on the table.

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